Jennifer Boudette, Costume Design

Fashion history and costume design has been a lifelong passion for Jennifer as she has been exploring the craft since she was old enough to operate a sewing machine. Jennifer has been involved in numerous projects for professional and community theater, academic institutions, and even a living history museum. While at her most recent position she served as Costume Production Coordinator for Northwest Florida State College. During her 10-year tenure Jennifer was the primary costume designer for the Department of Arts and Humanities. Her yearly responsibilities included the design and construction of costumes for 2 theatre productions, a dance concert, and a full-scale musical theatre production. In addition to this Jennifer costumed three operas for the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra. Jennifer’s academic responsibilities included teaching a course in basic sewing and costume crafting techniques as well as the supervision of student assistants on work / study scholarships. In addition to wearable art, Jennifer is also keenly involved with antiques and decorated arts and current owns L’Eclectique Finds which features a curated collection of antique a vintage items.